Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blog Item #14: Why Carry A Handgun?


Anonymous said...

Women and Weapons:
Firearm instructors and a gun shop owner in the USA is on the rise for women say gun manufacturers and the ATF.

Anonymous said...

1 in 5 people with the USA who have a license to carry a concealed weapon is now a woman.

Anonymous said...

Women and handguns ....

Women are better shots than men, this is due to two key factors:

1) Physical - woman have better hand and eye coordination.

2) Attention Span - Women will listen more carefully to instructions, retain the information, and follow the rules, whereby men are into - I know how to do it and lets try it this way first.

Anonymous said...

Women who are armed -

One of the main categories of women buying handguns and getting license to carry a concealed deadly weapon are Realtors!